ASQ Online Appendix: Evidence in Practice Case Studies
Individual Case Narratives, Timelines, Stakeholder Maps
Aqua+ (India)
Marketing of a new water purification product illustrates how evidence on behavioral patterns can be as crucial as evidence on scientific effectiveness.
CALIE (South Africa)
An innovative collaboration between policymakers and researchers grapples with the pressing issue of unemployment.
FUEL (South Africa)
By creating a culture of accountability and evidence-based decision-making, FUEL is tackling how meals are distributed to students in schools across the country.
GUP (Ghana)
A pilot and randomized controlled trial of an innovative poverty alleviation program illustrates the challenges of balancing research and implementation priorities.
PPE (Mexico)
A national employment generation program with good intentions was implemented too quickly to integrate existing and emerging evidence, creating insurmountable barriers.
Progresa (Mexico)
A pioneering national program incentiving school attendance and healthcare through conditional cash transfers.
TaRL (India)
Pratham Education Foundation, one of India’s largest educational nongovernmental organizations, is recognized globally for its evidence-based pedagogical approach.
TCAI (Ghana)
A national pilot for remedial education shows the value of proactive negotiation of evidence-based projects.